Trentonian Insider

Monday, July 9, 2007

What's denser than a Pennsylvania politician?

We've got a $650 million state budget surplus, yet legislators and Gov. Ed Rendell, unable to agree on a bunch of crap voters don't really care about, have shut down Pennsylvania state government.

Do the residents who have to vacate the state park camping spots they planned their vacations around care about the details of Rendell's proposed energy policy?

How about the senior citizens who see the highlight of their week as playing the slots at Philadelphia Park?

No. In fact, no one but Rendell, apparently, sees energy policy as a big enough and immediate enough of an issue to force a shutdown that is inconveniencing millions of his constituents. I know the world is still in Al Gore Live Earth afterglow, but I don't think we need to shut down state campgrounds in order to come to an agreement on energy policy.

(Although the shutting down of DMV offices and a temporary lag in issuing driver's licenses might make a small dent on global warming.)

Pennsylvania politicians apparently didn't learn anything from New Jersey's state budget shutdown debacle. (Hey, Atlantic City's a long way from Harrisburg ... forgive them if they can't do the math on shutting down slot revenue that pours an incredible amount of money into state coffers EVERY DAY the casinos run.)

And they apparently didn't learn anything from the pitchfork-and-torch mob scene response from voters when they raised their own pay last year.

That scene could pale in comparison when it hits home with Grandpa that he can't play the slots today.


Trentonian Blogs: Trentonian Insider

Trentonian Insider

Monday, July 9, 2007

What's denser than a Pennsylvania politician?

We've got a $650 million state budget surplus, yet legislators and Gov. Ed Rendell, unable to agree on a bunch of crap voters don't really care about, have shut down Pennsylvania state government.

Do the residents who have to vacate the state park camping spots they planned their vacations around care about the details of Rendell's proposed energy policy?

How about the senior citizens who see the highlight of their week as playing the slots at Philadelphia Park?

No. In fact, no one but Rendell, apparently, sees energy policy as a big enough and immediate enough of an issue to force a shutdown that is inconveniencing millions of his constituents. I know the world is still in Al Gore Live Earth afterglow, but I don't think we need to shut down state campgrounds in order to come to an agreement on energy policy.

(Although the shutting down of DMV offices and a temporary lag in issuing driver's licenses might make a small dent on global warming.)

Pennsylvania politicians apparently didn't learn anything from New Jersey's state budget shutdown debacle. (Hey, Atlantic City's a long way from Harrisburg ... forgive them if they can't do the math on shutting down slot revenue that pours an incredible amount of money into state coffers EVERY DAY the casinos run.)

And they apparently didn't learn anything from the pitchfork-and-torch mob scene response from voters when they raised their own pay last year.

That scene could pale in comparison when it hits home with Grandpa that he can't play the slots today.


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